Rain - 1

Oh' This weather,
I don't know when it'll rain,
The clouds turn grey,
Sometimes black and blue,
But I still don't know when it'll rain...

The sun and clouds play hide and seek,
With their shadows running here and there,
It drizzles when it is bright,
And soon stops as it comes...

The grass is happy, 
While my neatly mended garden,
Is growing wild,
The mosquitoes in it,
Have just begun their feast,
And I'll have to suffer it all night...

Yes, its beautiful to watch while it rains,
But its while you are inside your house,
All warm and dry with no work by your side,
But, say I've got some work,
In the midnight and its urgent,
And the pouring rain isn't an extra cross, I did gladly bear...

Why cant the rain?
Start pouring in the Thar?
Why does it pour?
When am playing football?
It rains so hard,
The ball starts to float,
You can kick as hard as you like,
But the ball is still where it floats...

Ah! At last the sunshine,
And no more clouds,
A couple of days, maybe weeks,
And then, I cant bear this heat no more...

Look at me now,
Am wishing for winter,
Am crazy like never before,
My mind is so fickle,
Much more spicier than yesterdays pickle,
Rain or sun or winter or none,
I've to try and keep irritating someone...

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